It will ask you if you want to overwrite, select " Yes". Press " O" to open pop up menu, and highlight " Paste" and press " X". Now use your joystick over to the window we moved aside in step 6 and press " X" to pull it forward. Highlight " Copy" and press " X", you should see a message stating you copied data to clipboard. Use your joystick to highlight ALL files and folders, and press " O" (circle) to open pop up menu. Now you should be at the root of your USB/HDD, locate the folder you extracted to mod pack to. (changes depending on what slot you plug USB/HDD into) This time select "dev_usb000" or " dev_usb001" whichever one is your USB/HDD. Select " PS3 Root" icon on the mmOS desktop again to bring up another file explorer menu. (Do NOT exit out of the window, just move it aside.) Select " dev_hdd0", and then select " GAMES", find your Skyrim game folder and enter it, now move that window to the side with your joystick.
Select " PS3 Root" icon on the mmOS desktop, This will bring up a file explorer menu. Load up MultiMan switch to TMB or XMB view, go all the way to the left to the " multiMan" column and select " File Manager/mmOS". Turn on your PS3 and insert the USB/HDD into PS3 USB slot. Copy ALL files & folders from my Mod Pack to a USB Flash Drive or External HDD. Download Skyrim: Elite Edition Mod Pack and extract its contents.